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Where to begin!

When you build your new house, ideally you’ll connect your sewage pipes to the main sewer. However, this isn’t always possible depending on the location of your site.

If you are too far away from the main sewer you can install a Tricel wastewater treatment plant instead.

You need to get consent to discharge from the Northern Ireland Environmental Agency (NIEA) first.  Under Article 7 of the Water (NI) Order, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to make a discharge of sewage effluent from a house or other premises, to a waterway or to the underground stratum.

Depawater can help you obtain your consent to discharge, enquire here.

Once you have your consent to discharge in place you will know which Tricel wastewater treatment system to choose, a NOVO 95% or a VITAE 98.6%.

A Tricel sewage treatment plant doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive to install. Read on to learn more about low-cost wastewater treatment units….

Use a Plug-and-Play System for Inexpensive Wastewater Treatment

The best way to get an easy wastewater treatment installation is to choose a plug-and-play system.

Once engineers excavate and prepare the hole, they can fit the tank into place in one step. They’ll fill each chamber with clean water. After connecting the electrical components, the system is ready to use.

The installation process can take as little as two days.  The complete installation includes the following:

  • Site excavation
  • Site preparation, including suitably sized soakaway (drainage field)
  • Tank installation
  • Tank connection to the pipework
  • Electrical supply connection
  • Tank commissioning

Once your new Tricel wastewater treatment tank is installed, leave the tank running 24/7 to let the bacteria do their job.

completed installtion of Tricel wastewater treatment tank

How do sewage treatment plants work?

Stage 1: the primary settlement chamber

In the first stage of sewage treatment, anaerobic breakdown takes place in the primary settlement chamber. The wastewater is introduced and the solids drop to the bottom, becoming separated from the liquid.

Stage 2: the aeration chamber

The next stage of the wastewater treatment involves aerobic breakdown. This takes place in the aeration chamber, where masses of naturally occurring bacteria inhabit specially designed filter media.

These bacteria are sustained with air, which is continuously supplied from a purpose-built pump in the unit’s top section. As the liquid flows slowly through the filter media, the bacteria feed on the waste and remove it from the liquid.

Stage 3: final settlement chamber

In the last stage of wastewater treatment, the liquid flows from the aeration chamber into the final settlement chamber. Suspended sludge consisting of bacteria is carried with the liquid into the settlement chamber and settles to the bottom of the chamber.

From there, a continuous sludge return system pumps it back to the primary settlement chamber. The remaining treated liquid now meets the required standard to be safely passed out of the Tricel system.

stages of treatment in a Tricel NOVO

Stages of treatment in a Tricel Novo

  1. Wastewater enters the plant
  2. Primary settlement chamber
  3. Aeration chamber
  4. Final settlement chamber
  5. Treated effluent exits the plant

Tricel Novo wastewater treatment plant has an overall efficiency of 95.9% BOD removal.

Tricel Wastewater Treatment Tanks: Quick and Easy Installation

Tricel treatment systems don’t need a deep hole, making them very suitable for sensitive or smaller sites. A mini-digger is enough to excavate the required space.


preparation of the area for Tricel treatment tank



Tricel tanks are made of SMC (a high-strength composite material), making them very strong but very lightweight. Smaller machinery can be used to lift them into place, speeding up installation and making it safer to carry out.


easy installation of Tricel wastewater treatment tank



We offer four affordable and simple solutions for quick wastewater treatment. The Tricel Novo 95% and Vitae 98.6% wastewater treatment plants meet the EN12566-3 certification.

We also offer the Tricel Tero tertiary treatment system, which is ideal for campsites and holiday homes. The Tricel Vento is our standard septic tank of choice.


No matter what type of septic tank/wastewater treatment tank you need, Depawater will help you find a solution.  Contact us today!

Key Features & Benefits of Tricel Sewage Treatment Plants

► Compression moulded SMC tank. The compression moulding process is one of the most technologically developed processes available to manufacture structural composites. Components are manufactured under heat and high pressure and have unrivalled strength and durability over standard GRP tanks or PE tanks.

 SMC is unique in the wastewater treatment industry with Tricel SMC tanks operating in some of the harshest climatic conditions for over 50 years with no defects.

 Tricel’s ceramic diffuser is unique in the domestic wastewater treatment plant market and will last twice as long as all standard competitors rubber equivalents. This saves money in both call out fees and replacement parts.

No concrete backfill for installation on most sites saving up to €400 over lower quality GRP/plastic competitors.

No moving parts or pumps in the plant ensuring reliable operation and minimal maintenance and repair costs.

 Tricel Novo plants are designed with a shallow invert to reduce both installation and time costs.

Factory fitted alarm on all systems.

Integrated pumped outlet available on all systems.

Tricel Wastewater Treatment Tanks – Quick and Easy to Install!

Enjoy Low Cost Wastewater Treatment

It is possible to get a low-cost wastewater treatment system for your new or renovated property. By choosing Tricel you will also get a faster installation, meaning less disruption for you.

When you choose a Tricel product, provided by Depawater, you also get our support throughout the project.

  • We will help you get consent to discharge.
  • We will deliver your new Sewage treatment system.
  • We will commission your new Sewage treatment system.
  • We offer a maintenance contract for peace of mind if and when you need it.

Has this shown that you can get an easy and quick wastewater treatment installation? If so, request a quote today and we will be happy to help you choose the right Tricel system for your property.

Tricel Wastewater Treatment Tanks – Quick and Easy to Install!