Depawater Ltd has had an incredibly busy 2019! We have been helping many new customers move into their lovely homes with as much ease as possible, all the while looking after all our valued existing customers. Much Thanks to you all for your custom over the past year, it is very much appreciated.
We have helped our customers by carrying out site visits, percolation tests, filling in consent to discharge forms and giving sound advice on which type of septic tank or treatment plant best suits their needs. We would love to be able to do the same again for many more customers in 2020.
For the best deals on Tricel Vento septic tanks, Tricel Novo 95% Treatment Tanks and Tricel Vitae 97.5% Treatment Tanks contact us and we will offer you the best product for the best price, guaranteed!
Christmas Holidays: We will be closing at 3pm on Friday 20th December 2019 and reopening Monday 6th January 2020 at 8.30am.
Please feel free to contact us over the holidays through the website and we will get back to you ASAP upon our return.
Depawater would like to wish all our Customers a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Best Wishes for 2020!